Children with Special needs and Disabilities
Here at Sutton St James Pre-School we pride ourselves on treating each child as an individual with their own amazing thoughts, skills and needs. Our job is to not only meet those needs but to also enhance and encourage each child and help them all to reach their wonderful potential whatever that may be.
Children with special needs and disabilities are embraced and nurtured at our pre-school. We have links with the local authority to ensure that any additional support our children need is available.
Every child that attends our pre-school will be allocated a key worker who will build a special relationship with their child built on mutual trust and respect. The key worker works alongside you their family to ensure all their needs are met. All our staff are experienced in observing assessing and planning Next steps for each individual child as key workers.
Each key worker produces Next steps for their children in all seven areas of learning from the Early Year’s Foundation stage curriculum each term. This consists of what your child has achieved and enjoyed and what we will be focusing on next, this is just one way that we keep you informed on your child’s progress.
Through continual observation and assessment and of course play! If we feel your child needs some extra help or support, we will always liaise with you (the people who know them best) and chat through what we think would be the best path to follow to help your child before contacting any other professionals. We would also begin to form a profile with you for your child including a plan of action for how we can help your child with their specific needs.
We have a link Health visitor who visits pre-school every month again to offer help, support and advice as and when needed. We believe in teamwork here at Sutton St James Pre-School
From the moment your child joins pre-school your family is part of our team. Working together to give your precious children the best possible start.
We use an online learning journey which you will have access to and view our assessments and observations as well as add your own. We also have parent’s evenings twice a year to chat through your little one’s progress. There is always an opportunity to talk things through with your child’s key worker, our Manager or our SENDCO.
We have children with many different needs and abilities here at Sutton St James Pre-School and celebrate every milestone no matter how small it may seem.